Bulk Supplements Creatine Review: Pure Muscle Fuel?

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I can remember my first scoop of creatine as if it were yesterday. I was 17 years old and just started weightlifting at home.
I’ve been (ab)using creatine for over 6 years now.
Many different brands and a wide variety of creatine supplements have crossed my path.
Today, I’m giving my honest review on the creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements.
This article will be based on personal experience, research on experiences from others (possible side-effects for example), and some research.
Grab your favorite popcorn machine, pop a fresh batch, relax, and open up your mind.
This is my review on creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements.
- Faster Strength Progression
- More Muscle Mass
- Better Body Composition
- Increased Explosive Power

Practical information on Bulk Supplements Creatine
Content: various sizes from 100 (3.5 oz) grams up to 5 kilograms (11lbs) of micronized creatine monohydrate.
Recommended serving size: 5 grams per day. It does not need to be cycled. There's no scoop in the bag, but 5 grams is around 2 tbsp's.
Supply duration: At the recommended daily dose of 5 grams, the supply duration will be anywhere from 20 days up to 1000 days depending on the amount you buy.
Where to buy it: you can buy Bulk Supplement Micronized Creatine Monohydrate on the BulkSupplements webshop, which you can find here.
Ingredient in Bulk Supplements Creatine
The micronized creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements only contains one ingredient, which is creatine monohydrate.
It’s completely free from fillers like added sugar, additives, dairy, etc. This is what we’re looking for in a creatine supplement.
5,000 mg of (micronized) creatine monohydrate
Micronized creatine monohydrate is creatine monohydrate that has been micronized (around 20 times).
This results in the creatine being more soluble in water. It’s easier to mix, and the absorption is better and faster.
However, micronized or not it’s still the same substance (creatine monohydrate).
Therefore, the effects of both micronized and normal creatine monohydrates will probably be the same long term.
Micronized will have fewer clumps, which is nice.
So what does creatine monohydrate do?
Your muscles use ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) as a source of energy.
For example, when you’re bench pressing, ATP is used so your muscles can complete the repetitions.
Your body loses ATP and produces ATP simultaneously.
ATP production is of course slower than the rate it’s lost, so eventually, you can’t do another repetition.
Creatine allows your muscles to produce more ATP, which means your muscles can do a few more repetitions.
Over time these extra repetitions will result in more muscle mass and better performance.
Benefits of Bulk Supplements Creatine
I’ve had creatine in my stack for over 6 years because the benefits are just great, and heavily researched.
Allow me to give you an overview of why creatine has been, is, and will be in my daily stack for years to come.
Faster strength progression
The ATP in your muscles increases, which allows you to do a few more repetitions with a certain weight.
Over time this makes a real difference in the rate of strength progression.
This is awesome if you love hitting some big numbers in the gym.
More muscle mass
Those extra reps and improved strength lead to a more noticeable increase in muscle mass.
This is because you create more micro-tears in your muscles during your workout.
Your body repairs those (extra) micro tears and lets your muscles adapt to the training stimulus.
A bigger stimulus equals more adaptations. Bigger muscles. Faster.
Better body composition
The combination of increased energy to perform more repetitions, and building muscle faster results in a better muscle-to-fat ratio.
Body composition also improves during a fat loss phase, because you’re able to retain more muscle and lose less strength.
Explosive cardio improvement
Creatine has a positive effect on short-duration high-intensity cardio, like sprinting or cycling.
During these types of cardio ATP is used as the primary source of energy by your muscles.
As creatine increases ATP, this will make you more explosive and improve your performance in these areas.
Great mixability
Because the creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is micronized, it’s way more soluble while mixing in liquid.
Overall this is just a way more pleasurable way of getting in your daily creatine, without the hassle of dealing with clumps.
Very thorough packaging
The packaging of micronized creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is done very well, which makes it (almost) resistant to whatever may happen during transportation.
I’ve had my fair share of ruined supplements during transit over the years, so this is a plus.
Side effects of Bulk Supplements Creatine
Contrary to some popular beliefs that still exist, creatine will not turn you into a swollen water balloon.
If anything, it will add water into your muscle cells improving how your muscles look.
The only time this would matter is when you’re competing on stage, which is not the case for most of us.
I have never had any side effects from creatine, and research suggests it’s safe to use (at least up to 10 grams daily) long-term.
However, this is the list of possible side effects that can be found on the internet:
- Kidney damage
- Liver damage
- Kidney stones
- Weight gain (water)
- Bloating
- Dehydration
- Muscle cramps
- Digestive concerns
- Compartment syndrome
- Rhabdomyolysis.
I recommend just sticking to the recommended dose of 5 grams per day.
When to avoid creatine?
People with kidney or liver disease, or diabetes can best avoid creatine supplements altogether.
It’s also not recommended for people below 18 years old (I purged in this regard).
Price of Creatine Monohydrate at Bulk Supplements
Micronized creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is priced well compared to competitors, especially for the high-quality received.
Bulk Supplements try to bring the best prices possible, but raw materials in the world fluctuate a lot in price.
Prices may vary when you’re reading this article.
There are many different options in terms of the amount of creatine to buy, but let’s take 500 grams or 1.1 lbs. as an example.
The 500 grams of micronized creatine monohydrate is priced at $30.96 (without applying a discount code).
500 grams equals a 100-day supply, which means you’re paying $0.31 a day.
For a micronized creatine monohydrate supplement that is lab tested on quality and has no fillers, this is a very good price to pay.
How do I stack Bulk Supplements Creatine Monohydrate with other supplements?
I stack Bulk Supplements Creatine Monohydrate mainly with supplements from Nootropics Depot, but most can be found on Bulk Supplements as well.
I just haven't tried them from Bulk Supplements yet.
Tongkat Ali
Great for: improving testosterone, increasing strength, a better body composition, better sex life, more energy, and better stress control.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Cistanche Tubulosa
Great for: improving testosterone, increasing strength, a better body composition, more energy, better mood, and improved cognitive abilities (like memory).
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Ashwagandha KSM-66
Great for: improving sleep quality, decreasing anxiety, better stress control, improving testosterone levels/ muscle & strength gains, more energy, and better mood.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Great for: boosting athletic performance, decreasing/ eliminating muscle soreness, a faster rate of muscle/ strength gain, a better body composition, retaining muscle during off times, improved cognitive abilities, better mood, and possibly improving testosterone.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Longvida Curcumin
Great for: reducing inflammation, reducing pain, improving cognitive abilities (memory/focus), and potentially a better mood/ faster muscle gains.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Green Tea Extract 45% EGCG
Great for: Improving metabolic function, faster fat loss, better skin, reducing inflammation, and overall health.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.
Also possible to stack with Horny Goat Weed
Great for: sexual health (mainly improved blood flow to the penile tissue), reducing anxiety, better mood, and possibly improving testosterone/reducing inflammation and pain/ more energy.
For an in-depth review click here. To check it on the site click here.

Final words and do I recommend Bulk Supplements Creatine?
Creatine monohydrate is an amazing supplement, that has been heavily researched over the years.
It provides many benefits and is generally safe to use.
The micronized creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is a very high-quality form of creatine that is lab-tested and doesn’t contain any fillers.
It’s sold at a very good price and is packaged very well.
The creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements is micronized which makes it more soluble in water, preventing clumps and improving absorption.
Overall I can recommend the micronized creatine monohydrate from Bulk Supplements because it’s simply a very great product.
If you would like to try the creatine yourself, you can find it in-store by clicking here.
- Faster Strength Progression
- More Muscle Mass
- Better Body Composition
- Increased Explosive Power
is Bulk Supplements creatine safe?
The creatine from Bulk Supplements is NSF-certified and in line with FDA cGMP safety standards. It's also third-party certified by independent labs.
It’s manufactured to accommodate a high-quality standard and is safe to use as a daily creatine supplement.
Is Bulk Supplements creatine good?
The creatine from Bulk Supplements is a very well-priced, third-party lab-tested, and NSF-certified/ In line with FDA cGMP safety standards creatine supplement.
It doesn’t contain any fillers and provides many benefits, such as improved strength, more muscle mass, a better body composition, and increased explosiveness.
So yes, Bulk Supplements creatine is good.
Does creatine help with bulking?
Creatine can help with bulking by increasing ATP (energy source) in your muscles.
This will allow you to do more repetitions with a given weight, which results in faster strength and muscle mass progression.
This makes creatine a perfect supplement to use while bulking.
How much creatine should you take per day?
The optimal dosage of creatine is 5 grams daily.
When should you take creatine?
You can take creatine at any time of the day because it doesn’t have any acute effects.
The effects of creatine come from long-term daily usage, which elevates the creatine stores in the body.
You could decide to take it pre-workout if that’s what you prefer.
- Faster Strength Progression
- More Muscle Mass
- Better Body Composition
- Increased Explosive Power